Search for relatives in Ukraine. Search for relatives in the archives in Kiev, Odessa, Ukraine. Search for relatives by name in Ukraine. Search for deceased relatives by name in Kyiv, Odessa, Ukraine. Finding deceased relatives in Ukraine.
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You are in detective agency for finding relatives in Ukraine. Many people know their close relatives, but often, many young people (and not only) do not know their relatives after the second or third dynasty. However, when hereditary or other property rights arise in the life, knowledge of relatives is not enough - in court you will be required to document the right of inheritance.
Also many people are wondering how to find out the family tree by name in Ukraine. Private detectives will make a qualitative composition of the genealogical tree of the family in Ukraine, will help trace family tree by name in Ukraine. They will tell how to make a family tree in Ukraine. Having traced the genealogical tree of the family, you can learn a lot of interesting information about the history of your dynasty. Here you will find an example of a genealogical tree, for you we will find in the archives documents for your relatives.
Proof of kinship will be required in the first place when you do not have documents that confirm kinship or if they contain spelling mistakes that distort your surname, name, patronymic, unlike the personal data of relatives. If such mistakes are made or you do not have any documents proving the relationship, this is a problem! The notary will not accept the application for the right to inherit, and you can receive a court decision in favor of other relatives (heirs) who will submit the relevant documents.
It should be noted that the court will consider the application for establishing kinship only after you conduct all pre-trial actions aimed at affirming kinship.
The establishment of the fact of kinship relations requires the citizen to collect and analyze all available documents, directly or indirectly confirming his kinship, as well as collecting (restoring) missing documents.
Our detective agency will collect the necessary evidence, conduct and restore documents both in institutions (archives) on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.
Registration of the genealogical tree can also be ordered from a professional artist, taking into account your wishes. It can be executed in the form of a picture, a generic book in a beautiful binding, which will be handed down from generation to generation.
Our lawyers will restoration, making changes in birth certificates (death certificates), marriage certificates (about the breaking of marriage), other archival documents.